Friday, November 02, 2007

Identify Revit Builds Painlessly

I thought you might be able to use a tool to identify what Revit build is sitting on your pc. If so, continue reading...

  1. Are you a CAD/BIM manager responsible for installing and updating Revit on multiple computers?

  2. How about a quick way to check all the Revit Build Numbers on each computer without actually launching Revit?

Sounds good right? Download the zip file containing a short vbscript routine and run it on each machine that has Revit installed. It will display a web page with all the build information for each Revit product installed. It will look more or less like the image shown below.


Want to capture info from multiple computers?

  1. Search the code for the following string: "c:\BTC\revitbuild.log"

  2. Replace it with a path to file somewhere on your network.

  3. Make sure to create the file in the appropriate folder

  4. Every machine that runs the script will now append it's info to the log file.

Lather, rinse, repeat....

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