AU 2004 – First Day of Classes

Today was the first day of classes. A little change to the typical lineup with the General Session and Building Industry Sessions moved to this day. The lineup worked well. The day started off with the long lab sessions held this morning from 8:00-11:30. A fantastic lunch was then served in the Tents outside. The afternoon presentations at the General Session were well received with addresses by Lynn Allen, Carol Bartz, and Scott Bourdin. Dean Kamen, famous inventor, gave the keynote address. Check out his pet project,

The building Industry Sessions were then held after a short break, followed by the AUGI Annual Meeting. Then of course, the AUGI Beer bash and the opening of the Expo hall rounded out the meeting.

I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with many industry heavyweights during the day and later at the Beer Bash. Looking forward to classes tomorrow.
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