vlax-product-key list submitted

I received the following list of product language pairs today from an anonymous reader in the blogosphere. I am posting them here for others who need to identify the current product by reading the registry or using (vlax-product-key):

Autocad 2004 English: 201:409

ADT 2004 English: 204:409

MDT 2004 English: 203:409

Mechanical 2004 English: 205:409

Building Systems 2004 English: 206:409

Map 2004 English: ACAD-202:409

LDDT 2004 English: 208:409

Civil Design 2004 English: 208:409

Survey 2004 English: 208:409

You can change the product key from a 200 level to a 300 level for most products when identifying AutoCAD 2005 products so this results in the following list:
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Autocad 2005 English: 301:409

ADT 2005 English: 304:409

MDT 2005 English: 303:409

Mechanical 2005 English: 305:409

Building Systems 2005 English: 306:409

Map 2005 English: ACAD-302:409

LDDT 2005 English: 308:409

Civil Design 2005 English: 308:409

Survey 2005 English: 308:409

That ought to give you something to start with.

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