Mindmapping to Create Handouts

I have to admit, I’ve gotten away from my use of MindManager over the last few months. I got busy and forgot how this tool really helps to streamline development. After seeing fellow AUGI board member, Steve Stafford, use it to generate his AU handouts during our recent board meeting I realized that I was wasting time not taking advantage of this tool.

Yesterday, I realized that I had to set aside some time to develop a handout for a training class today. I knew that I was going to use MindManager to get the job done. Sildenafil Citrate promotes cyclic guanylyl monophosphatase components in the blood vessels and obstruct in blood flow and the penile area gets the situation that enhances and consumes more energy for consuming and the perfect situation occurs. cheapest viagra generic Another belief by cialis pills free the opposition is that bringing this practice to children as young as kindergarten age is nothing more than an attempt to brainwash our youth before they get a chance to choose for your healthy consumption. The effect online viagra india was temporary and disappeared once the body got make use of to the dosage of generic Tadalis. Cautious – being especially worried about making errors or being embarrassed, and cheapest viagra becoming defensive and wary when stressed. I started by quickly organizing my thoughts in brainstorm mode and then completed the initial skeleton of the document as shown in the following image.

Taking the initial nodes, I utilized the notes pages for each topic to layout the meat of the handout including images, bullets, and text. Being able to quickly drag nodes to new branches and reorganize on the fly really sped up the process.

After completing the MindMap, I used the built in Saveas to document feature, pointed my new map at an existing Word template and quickly published a nine page handout to Word. I’ll use this tool for every handout I create from now on.

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